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Archive of the posts written by author : navanryn.

Stargate:Contemporary Sci-fi Meets Ancient Egypt

Since the 19th century, ancient Egypt has been one of the most “exotic” cultures to admire for those in the western world. As it is a civilization of great, almost unprecedented technological and architectural advances, it has been the object of great scrutiny for scholars for centuries. Popular culture seemingly embraced this almost mystic attitude … Continue reading Stargate:Contemporary Sci-fi Meets Ancient Egypt

Making the Best of an Unlikely Situation: A Trip to the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum

Recently, I made a trip to San Jose to visit the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum. However, this trip had a bit of a snag to it. When we arrived there, we were informed that there were rolling blackouts in the area, and without power there was no way we could get inside the museum. As disappointing … Continue reading Making the Best of an Unlikely Situation: A Trip to the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum

The Amarna Religious Revolution: An Analysis of a switch to Monotheism in a Polytheistic Culture

  Throughout the ages, humans have wrestled with the idea of higher beings. Is there one or is there many? Is there one that rules above all while other minor gods fulfill smaller roles? These questions have been asked over and over again about the Amarna period in ancient Egypt. The Amarna period was a … Continue reading The Amarna Religious Revolution: An Analysis of a switch to Monotheism in a Polytheistic Culture

Morality and Afterlife: An Analysis of Old Kingdom Autobiographies

When I think of ancient Egyptian morality, a specific inscription or drawing always seems to come to mind. This drawing of Anubis weighing the soul of a mortal Egyptian man is what I, and I am sure many others, first think of. In this drawing, the soul of the deceased is weighed to determine its … Continue reading Morality and Afterlife: An Analysis of Old Kingdom Autobiographies