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Archive of the posts written by author : Religion of the Pharoahs – Patchwork Heart.

Who Does it Belong To?

Today I will be explaining what I believe cultural heritage to be and who can claim it. Specifically, Egyptian culture. And I will be using the movie Al Mummia as my main reference. Warning: there will be many spoilers. Basically I spoil the whole movie, but you should still watch it. Many people use … Continue reading Who Does it Belong To?

The Rosicrucian Fascination with the Effaced King

The Rosicrucian order, from my understanding, is a clandestine society who study and accept varying philosophical and natural laws of ancient civilizations. It is they who own the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in San Jose, and all the land it sits on. This spot is their foundation in the U.S., their base of operation. I had … Continue reading The Rosicrucian Fascination with the Effaced King

Magic as a Societal Norm

In most cultures today, and in the past, magic is viewed as heresy, an abomination, defying the highest divine being, the laws of nature. However, the Egyptians did not view magic in the same way. Magic, was in fact, part of their religious practice and their natural laws. Their gods had powers, as most divine … Continue reading Magic as a Societal Norm

Parallel Between Kingship and the Divine Stories

Allegedly, Amenemhet I, the first ruler of the twelfth dynasty of Egypt, was assassinated during his thirtieth year of rule by those close to him. The text, “The Teaching of King Amenemhet I For His Son Senwosret,” is a work of fiction produced after his death in which Amenemhet I mostly tells his son not … Continue reading Parallel Between Kingship and the Divine Stories